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Your skin is your largest organ, and it is essential to take care of it. Unfortunately, many people have bad habits that can be aging their skin quickly and cause damage in the long run. In this blog post from Glamour MD , we want to bring awareness to some of the most common habits that could be aging your skin and how you can break them for a vibrant complexion.
1. Not Wearing Sunscreen – One of the leading causes of premature wrinkles and age spots is sun damage caused by not wearing sunscreen on sunny days. The ultraviolet rays penetrate deep into the skin, breaking down collagen and making the skin appear older than it really is. Always make sure to wear SPF 15 or higher sunscreen when spending time outdoors.
2. Smoking – Not only will smoking cause yellow teeth and wrinkles around the mouth but using cigarettes also dehydrates your skin and reduces blood circulation which slows down cell renewal so new cells cannot reach the surface as quickly as they should. Quitting smoking not only benefits your overall health but also improves your complexion’s appearance over time.
3. Eating Too Many Sugary Foods – Sugars break down collagen in our bodies, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin at an earlier age than expected. Sugar consumption increases inflammation in our bodies which interferes with skin cell regeneration leaving our complexion duller looking over time. To keep sugar levels low in order to prevent premature aging, try eating dark leafy greens such as spinach or kale instead!
4. Skipping Moisturizer – We all know how important moisturizing is for healthy-looking skin, yet many people still don’t use a daily moisturizer with SPF 15 or higher even when they are regularly spending time outdoors in the sun! Moisturizing helps lock moisture into your pores while providing protection from damaging UV rays—both essential ingredients for younger-looking skin!
5. Drinking Too Much Alcohol – Similar to sugar-filled products, alcohol can significantly reduce collagen production leading to wrinkles and sagging skin much earlier than expected—it especially takes its toll on facial features like around the eyes or mouth area where elasticity starts decreasing faster due to dehydration caused by these alcoholic drinks containing high amounts of empty calories like sugars/fructose/glucose, etc. This can also trigger more acne breakouts if used excessively because it speeds up sebum production resulting in clogged pores!
If you want young-looking healthy glowing skin for years to come then take extra precaution when it comes to taking care of yourself: opt for healthier food choices, drink plenty of water (while limiting sugary drinks!), wear sunscreen every single day (even when cloudy outside) & always moisturize after cleansing - these simple steps could help you keep a radiant complexion longer than expected!
There are many amazing products out there that can help you achieve glowing youthful-looking skin including laser rejuvenation treatments at Glamour MD! Let us help you achieve a beautiful complexion without any surgery or harsh chemicals—
book an appointment today
and find out more about this state-of-the-art treatment & what it can do for you!